Ancient DNA

BIOL14406: Living Systems

Dr Axel Barlow


Ancient DNA

  • Mitochondrial phylogenetics
  • Ancient DNA
  • Sabretooth cats
  • Sequencing the North Sea Homotherium

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Paijmans et al. 2017

Mitochondrial phylogenetics

You've probably seen diagrams like this...

This is called a phylogeny. It represents the evolutionary process

  • The phylogeny works like an evolutionary tree
  • The tips are species
  • The branches show their relationships
  • Nodes represents common ancestors, from which new species evolved
  • Generally, phylogenies are calculated using genetic data

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Inheritance plus mutation

  • Errors in DNA replication (mutations) change the DNA sequence
  • Human mutation rate is ~1.1×10−8 mutations per site per generation
  • This means you carry ~40 mutations in your 3.6 Gb genome
  • These differences are inherited by offspring
  • Sequence divergence and time are (approximately) linearly related

Phylogenetics works in reverse: we observe the DNA sequences and try to work out the tree that generated them

DNA sequence alignment

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Mitochondrial DNA is great for phylogenetics!

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Mitochondrial DNA is great for phylogenetics!

  • Mitochondrial genome ~16 kb
  • 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNAs and 22 tRNAs
  • High mutation rate
  • No recombination
  • High copy number per cell
  • Maternally inherited

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Emmanuel Douzery, CC BY-SA 4.0

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Ancient DNA

Ancient DNA is just old DNA

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Some samples don't fit in the lab!

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Timeline of ancient DNA

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Study species

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Glyptodont, WolfmanSF, CC BY_SA 3.0

What are the challenges?

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Ancient DNA work is contamination sensitive

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Ancient DNA work is contamination sensitive

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But the samples are already highly contaminated

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Sabretooth cats

There were two genera of sabretooth cats

  • A genus us a group of closely related species. It's the first part of the scientific name
  • e.g. Homo sapiens


  • The most commonly known group
  • Massive canines
  • > 400 kg and 120 cm shoulder height
  • N and S America
  • 3 species, S. gracilis, S. populator, S. fatalis
  • Extinction 10 ka

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There were two genera of sabretooth cats

  • A genus us a group of closely related species. It's the first part of the scientific name
  • e.g. Homo sapiens)


  • Less known group
  • Also known as scimitar-toothed cats
  • Flat, serrated canines
  • ~ 200 kg and 110 cm shoulder height
  • Europe, Africa, N and S America
  • Europe: H. latidens, extinction 300 ka
  • N. America: H. serum, extinction 12 ka

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Sergiodlarosa, CC BY-SA 3.0

Homotherium skull

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Ghedoghedo, CC BY-SA 4.0

Fishing for fossils

  • Britain connected to mainland Europe by an area called Doggerland
  • Rising sea levels 6-7 ka flooded the area, making Britain an island

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Max Naylor, CC BY-SA 3.0

16th March 2000, something surprising turned up...

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This didn't look like a 300 ka fossil

Analysis of the Dutch North Sea Homotherium


  • The bone was radiocarbon dated at 31,300 ± 400!
  • This was extraordinary, so the dating was repeated:

    • 31,300 ± 400
    • 26,900 ± 400
    • 26,700 ± 240
    • 28,100 ± 220
    • 27,650 ± 280
  • The first Late Pleistocene European Homotherium

Analysis of the Dutch North Sea Homotherium

Ancient DNA

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  • A sample was taken in 2006 by Prof. Michi Hofreiter
  • Some tiny sequences were recovered, but they were too short to provide conclusive results...

Sequencing the North Sea Homotherium

By 2014 the technology had improved substantially

  • Widespread adoption of Next Generation Sequencing by the aDNA community
  • Improved DNA extraction methods
  • Improved library preparation methods
  • A targeted sequencing technique called DNA hybridisation capture

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  • Michi gave the sample to his PhD student, Johanna Paijmans, to try again

Initial sequencing showed extremely high contamination

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DNA hybridisation capture

"Fishes" mitochondrial fragments from the contaminated ancient DNA

  • DNA has 2 strands, arrange in a double helix
  • It can be heat denatured
  • When cooled, the single strands will stick (hybridise) to strands with a similar sequence
  • Manufacture "bait" sequences that match your target region
  • Use to capture these sequences from the contaminants

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Magladem96, CC BY-SA 3.0

DNA hybridisation capture

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This only works if you know the sequence in advance

Meanwhile a Danish group were sequencing North American cave lion mtDNA

  • Sequence analysis showed it was actually a Homotherium
  • They provided the sequence and Johanna ordered the hybridisation cature baits

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The hybridisation capture worked!

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Phylogenetic analysis of sabretooth cats

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The final step: molecular dating

  • Molecular phylogenies are scaled to genetic divergence
  • We know genetic divergence and time are linearly related

If we know some of the divergence times, we can scale the tree to time

Phylogenetic analysis of sabretooth cats

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Molecular dating of sabretooth cats

  • Sabretooths divergence from living cats 20 Ma
  • Homotherium and Smilodon were more diverged from one another than any living cats
  • A huge diversity was lost with the extinction of the sabretooths
  • North American and European Homotherium were genetically similar
  • We recommended they be treated as a single species, H. latidens

Paijmans et al. 2017

Ancient DNA

An exciting and dynamic field driven by technological advances